Area: Garhwal

Height:6543 m

Team 1: Indian (Bengal)

Leader: Subhasis Banerjee

Period: May 2004


North ridge of this peak was climbed by two members of this five members team. The summit was reached on 30th May .

Team 2: Indian (Bengal)

Leader: Rajib Paul

Period: May to June 2004


On 30th May, two members of this nine members team from Bengal climbed to the summit of this peak. They followed the north ridge. Summiteers were Dipankar Ghosh, Arun Sen , Joysingh Sahi and  Debi Singh.


It seems that both these teams joined hands right since the roadhead. The dates of approach, establishment of base camp and higher camps are same and the route taken, i.e. north ridge and the altitudes and description of higher camps are similar. Only one person from team 1, namely,  Debi Sing  reached the summit with members of Team 2, namely Dipankar Ghosh, Arun Sen and Joysing Sahi.